Anti-Surveillance Makeup For this project, my plan was to divert attention from one the main features cameras pick…
Twine: It all started with a car crash This is an interactive story that I programmed so readers can find out the story line…
Personal Medicines For my Personal Medicines I painted images of plants based on what the medicines are and…
Architecture: The National Museum of Multidisciplinary Sciences (NMMS) The National Museum of Multidisciplinary Sciences (NMMS) is a building set in another world; one where…
Weaving This process of creating artwork with yarn was really intriguing to me. Just like crocheting, both…
Speculative Design This was an idea on how to change the fashion industry. The fashion industry contributes to…
Anti-Surveillance Makeup We were instructed to make makeup designs, so for mine I just made my design with…
Twine: Steve the Cloak Steve the Cloak is an interactive adventure game based around the premise of an illicit invisible…
Personal Medicine/Nature Print My nature print represents the beauty of just doing you, being free and going with what…
Anti-Surveillance Makeup My surveillance technology diverts camera/ face-tracking digital software well. It may not divert human or visual…