Week Three: Social Justice in the city and what we care about

Future Cities is back!

Written by Alex

On Saturday the 28, with the Urban planning fellowship, we went
over last week and what they did. They went outside and experienced stuff that was made or built way back then.

We also brainstormed ideas about what games we want to build to teach kids that taking care of your community can actually be fun. We talked about what was a secret place for us, we described it in touch, feelings and smell, and why is it our secret place.

Then, we played a game that Kate came up with. It’s basically a game where we build a community and then she told us that some natural disasters happened, and we had to see how we would handle those disasters. The community also had normal things like street litter, housing, schooling, traffic and factories. Each neighborhood had different amounts of these things, and had to speak up for what they wanted to make their community healthier. It was pretty fun and then also helps you get a realization of how the world is or how a simple community can be, and how communities are unequal in what kind of resources they have.

To finish off our day is what we did was build a collage of things we are interested in in cities. Each of us built a different collage of different problems or we could also show a good thing.

I chose over-population. So I took a lot of pictures of people crowding together and pictures of traffic. Actually one of the pictures was from New York and it was really bad, so I chose this because it’s a really big problem here in New York, especially, and mainly all over the place.

I think we should come up with a solution. It could mean we may not have overpopulation anymore, or at least we can work together so the city can be safer and better for our community.

Some new ideas I learned from my fellows is that we all have very similar mindsets. I say this because when we built our collages, each of them was almost related in specific ways, so I want to say that’s pretty cool.

A new thing that I learned was about the game – I really enjoyed that it was really fun and I really liked it because it taught us about how New York and other places are, and how communities deal with their problems. It’s an eye-opener honestly.

A new idea I came up with is to make a game where people are aware of the population in their neighborhood and they can find ways to work together. In conclusion, theses were some new ideas I learned that day.